
Responsive & Accessible design

A presence on the web is no longer optional, but, in a rush to get a website online, responsiveness and accessibility are often overlooked. Following best practices for accessibility and responsiveness ensures that all users visiting your website have an experience that leaves them thinking about your content.

Tailored to your needs

Your website is a reflection of your brand. It's often the first impression people have, and for online companies it may be the only one. That's why I start with consultations and keep you in the loop during development, so each project is tailored to meet your needs from the beginning to end.

Process driven development

Each project is a new opportunity. Over time I've found a system that gets projects delivered on time and on budget. Using a test-driven development model, with regular communication to clients keeps projects on time. Each project goes through the following steps to ensure excellent results.

  1. Consultation
  2. Proposal
  3. Development
  4. Testing
  5. Deployment
  6. Support



These days I work primary with: Node.js, Express.js, React.js, MongoDB, Mongoose, Jest, JavaScript, HTML, EJS, CSS, Git, Github, Bash, and GNU/Linux.
I've also worked with Java, Python, R, C/C++ and SQL in the past.

Recent Projects

Get Forks

An innovative approach to recipe management using version control.

Plate's up vegan catering

Plate's up catering

A modern, responsive website for a vegan caterer.

Twisted knot firewood company

Twisted Knot Firewood

Local, sustainable, family run firewood company.

DLA Simulator

Diffusion limited aggregation simulator built with Node, JS, EJS, and CSS.

Image of MVC slideshow

Introduction to MVC

Slides for an introductory lecture on MVC architecture for MERN developers.

Sample weather charts

Weekly Weather

Weekly weather forecasts in 24 hours increments using tables and charts.